Who was Charles Macpherson, anyway?

  • He was born in 1870
  • He was a chorister in St. Paul's Cathedral 1879-1884
  • He was the sub-organist in St. Paul's Cathedral 1895-1916
  • He was the organist in St. Paul's Cathedral from 1916
  • He wrote Andante in G published in A little Organ Book in
    memory of Hubert Parry (1918)
  • He died in 1927

Please write a comment if you have more facts!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

His Andante in G is a beautiful but little known piece. An mp3 rendition of it is available on Colin Pykett's website, with him playing his Prog Organ virtual pipe organ system (simulating the Hill Norman and Beard organ at St George's Dunster):
