Evensong BBC Radio 3 - 7/9/05
The Introit "Holy is the True Light" by Richard Shephard is a lovely piece of music, and the hymn Praise to the Holiest (Gerontius) is also an excellent hymn - very Anglican. The Edington Service composed by Grayston Ives for the 1975 Edington Festival of Music within the Liturgy gave us the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis on this Wednesday's choral evensong, a modern type of music that uses a very simple and illogical progression, but yet predictable in it's own peculiar way - in other words not very interesting to listen to, but some very powerful reeds there in the last Amen of the last Gloria. As for the voluntary by Messiaen (or Messy Ian as I sometimes call him) - either you love his music, or you hate it. It's probably as close you'll ever get to jazz without hearing anybody referring to it as such.
The service was sung by the RSCM Millennium Youth Choir in Beverley Minster, East Yorkshire, and the order of the service was from Common Worship (I'm feeling sick...). Vomit break!
Merriam Webster Online defines vomit: "An act or instance of disgorging the contents of the stomach through the mouth". What about the nose, then? Maybe the editor's nose was stuffed at the time he was testing the integrity of this definition. Merriam Webster Online also defines stuffed as: "to fill or block up (as nasal passages)". See - things are connected!
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