More organist stand-ins

27th of June and 8th of August I played at Lutheran services, in two different churches respectively. I am starting to regain the confidence and playing skills I had 7 years ago. I hope to continue this good trend so stand-in assignments can be done without unnecessary struggle on my part. Then I can actually start producing some real music, which would be nice. I was very close to playing the Andante by Macpherson the 27th of June, but I gave in to lack of confidence and resorted to improvisation instead. I don't want to play a famous piece in a horrific manner, although sounding OK to the unknowingly, in case someone in the congregation would happen to know the music. I played the Nun Danket by Karg-Elert on the 17th of May, but I didn't deliver the goods. However, many people loved it because they had no clue what it was supposed to sound like... I got away with it, but I will not count on getting away with it another time...

Gospel Shouts

Normally I wouldn't pay any attention to "gospel music". On youtube I found this video. Just look at their faces. I can never get tired of watching it. It really is an inspiration to all musicians to watch the joy they're expressing.

However, I can not imagine having this music in my church....

New homepage layout

I have now changed the layout on my homepage. In effect I have improved the old section "Music by me", removed everything else, and then made the old "Music by me" as the main page. In fact, the only page.

Please don't try to hack it, but I made the changes partly because of security reasons, and partly for my own convenience. The homepage now extracts the contents from my database where I keep all my music stuff. I don't have to update the homepage any more, I just put stuff into the database, and the rest is done automatically. In addition I now have an easy way to password protect certain files that unprotected would violate copyrights of other composers and authors.

Playing the organ again, and new last verse

I have stood in twice as organist lately; First the Norwegian National Day festive service on 17th May, and then at a wedding on 22nd May. It took me by surprise, as I have never been asked to play during the 7 years I have been living down here. I gave up any hope of being asked many years ago...

I made a last verse flourish for one of the hymns called "No livnar det i lundar". It's standard version is given in the hymn book "Norsk Salmebok" for the Church of Norway, hymn number 765. My last verse can be found at The Organ Amateur Page

Norwegian: Ny versjon av korbønnen

Jeg har justert litt på ordlyden i korbønnen, som opprinnelig var (for) preget av direkte oversettelse fra originalen. Den nye versjonen følger:

Herre, velsign oss, som nå vil tjene deg.
Til din glede skje
at det vi synger med våre munner
   kan bli sannhet i våre hjerter,
og at hva sant er i våre hjerter
   kan bli virkelig i våre liv
gjennom Jesus Kristus, vår Herre.

Great idea - music with music on youtube!

Sing along!

This is one of my favourites; Thou Wilt Keep Him in Perfect Peace (Wesley). I prefer the upper tenor or alto part. The youtube user "morphthing1" has published an impressive collection of Anglican choir music in this manner. No reason for ever getting bored again!