Still composing

Today I finished my second piece of music written especially for the "The Lakside" Chicago USA reed organ. I do not have an electronic version yet, as it is a demanding job to type the music into the sheet music software. An alternative is to scan the papers, but my music hand writing is not so easy to read, so I doubt anybody will find it any useful. Some day...

THE Messiah recording!

Naxos 8.570131-32 gives you the 1751 version - no female voices, baroque ensamble and all the good music! The countertenor solo is just out of this world!!! My ears are certainly not worthy to receive those devine sound waves emitting from Iestyn Davies' mouth, but I let them anyway, because it gives me such pleasure. Much better than sex, sorry, six pints of English bitter ale! This is THE recording of Messiah you'd want if you want only one recording. It is "just" out, recorded in January 2006.